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Monday, March 8, 2010

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Monday, March 08, 2010

Google is very smart these days! (pic) —
5456 Diggs in Offbeat - Submitted Mar 01, 2010 02:26 pm

Come on, rest of the universe! (PIC) —
4602 Diggs in Top Image - Submitted Mar 03, 2010 09:29 am

The kings of viral video are back with a brand new vid — OK GO, possibly best known for their treadmill video are back with one of the coolest videos I have seen in a while. This too shall pass, a la Rube Goldberg. PS, ok go are even greater live, go see em!
4100 Diggs in Entertainment - Submitted Mar 02, 2010 12:54 am

Congressman Paul Returns Over$100,000 — Short, sweet and to the point. He walks the walk.
3333 Diggs in World & Business - Submitted Mar 01, 2010 02:20 pm

The coolest guy in the world — This guy has some insane moves, is he the cololest guy in the world?
3124 Diggs in Sports - Submitted Mar 06, 2010 02:58 pm

Dave Chappelle Rips People Who Think He's Depressed — Dave Chappelle talks about how annoying it was when people tried to console him after he quit Chappelle's Show.
2673 Diggs in Top Video - Submitted Mar 03, 2010 10:30 am

Portal 2 Announced — Portal 2 is the sequel to 2007's Portal, which won 70 industry achievement awards.
2556 Diggs in Gaming - Submitted Mar 05, 2010 09:55 am

Ever been tempted to do this? [PIC] —
2526 Diggs in Lifestyle - Submitted Mar 03, 2010 08:40 am

Comcast: 'Unlimited Usage' Doesn't Mean 'Unlimited Usage' — In January, Consumerist reader Matt received a brochure from Comcast touting their high-speed Internet service with "Unlimited usage for a flat, monthly rate." But only one month after upgrading to Comcast's "Ultra Tier," he found out that, well... "unlimited" actually means "limited."
2473 Diggs in Technology - Submitted Mar 02, 2010 11:38 am

What I hate most about some smokers (PIC) —
2421 Diggs in Science - Submitted Mar 07, 2010 12:12 am

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