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Monday, April 12, 2010

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Your Sex Life Vs. My Sex Life [comic] —
5527 Diggs in Entertainment - Submitted Apr 06, 2010 02:28 am

***** Tourists (PIC) — ***sigh***
5497 Diggs in Lifestyle - Submitted Apr 08, 2010 02:06 pm

Dear Subway... —
5192 Diggs in Top Image - Submitted Apr 11, 2010 08:36 am

Look again at that dot - Carl Sagan — Look again at the dot. That's here. That's home...
4544 Diggs in Offbeat - Submitted Apr 10, 2010 04:29 pm

Another Wonderful New Google Feature (PIC) — Gotta love little additions like this that can help thousands.
4489 Diggs in Technology - Submitted Apr 05, 2010 10:44 am

Richard Dawkins: I will arrest Pope Benedict XVI — RICHARD DAWKINS, the atheist campaigner, is planning a legal ambush to have the Pope arrested during his state visit to Britain "for crimes against humanity".
3224 Diggs in World & Business - Submitted Apr 10, 2010 04:35 pm

NBC Attempts to Edit Around Slash's Team Coco Pin — When Slash was booked to perform on last night's Tonight Show, NBC surely didn't think he would show up wearing a Team Coco pin. But, he did. Slash went on Leno's show to proudly and somewhat brazenly show where his his loyalties lay in the Late Night Wars.
2922 Diggs in Top Video - Submitted Apr 07, 2010 08:50 am

Tiger Woods Filthy Draw-Hook @ Augusta — This is a shot only Tiger Woods can make.
1766 Diggs in Sports - Submitted Apr 08, 2010 09:08 pm

Modern Warfare 2 Ad That's Too Dirty For TV [VID] — You won't be seeing this version of this commercial for Modern Warfare 2 on television as it has been deemed to dirty for TV. An edited version has been seen running on TV but the only place to catch the unedited version of the ad is right here on the internet.
1687 Diggs in Gaming - Submitted Apr 07, 2010 11:26 am

Antimatter Triggers Largest Explosion Ever Recorded in Unive — Late in 2009 year we witnessed the largest explosion ever recorded: a super giant star two hundred times bigger than the sun utterly obliterated by runaway thermonuclear reactions triggered by gamma ray-driven antimatter production. The resulting blast was visible for...
1609 Diggs in Science - Submitted Apr 09, 2010 06:43 am

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