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Monday, June 28, 2010

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Monday, June 28, 2010

Shuttle launch as seen by skydivers (pic) —
5738 Diggs in Science - Submitted Jun 21, 2010 12:10 pm

Minor Differences - The Oatmeal — An illustrated meditation on capslock, cereal, crossbows, FruityBlergs cereal, and babies on fire.
4262 Diggs in Entertainment - Submitted Jun 22, 2010 11:24 am

What I remember most about LEGOs - The Oatmeal — The Oatmeal makes a pie chart
3712 Diggs in Top Image - Submitted Jun 21, 2010 10:23 am

Shopped —
3478 Diggs in Technology - Submitted Jun 22, 2010 09:28 am

USA pulls off an unexpected victory on the last minute — USA pulls off an unexpected victory in the very last minutes to survive the qualifying round and go in the top 16.
3314 Diggs in Sports - Submitted Jun 23, 2010 08:55 am

Epic News Headline...(pic) —
3122 Diggs in Offbeat - Submitted Jun 23, 2010 01:40 pm

USA! USA! USA! (Video of Winning Goal) — Landon Donovan's goal in extra time is going to go down as one of the best American sports moments in history. Done and done.
2371 Diggs in Top Video - Submitted Jun 23, 2010 09:08 am

Trash talking kid gets owned by robot on XBL [VID] — I'm sure you've had your experience with such kids who threaten that they will hack your account unless you play by their rules, just watch and learn how to tackle these fake posers.
2266 Diggs in Gaming - Submitted Jun 25, 2010 06:34 pm

What Happens to Your Body If You Drink a Coke Right Now — Have you ever wondered why Coke comes with a smile? Because it gets you high. They removed the cocaine almost 100 years ago. Why? It was redundant.
2104 Diggs in Lifestyle - Submitted Jun 22, 2010 08:28 am

Judge who overturned Obama oil moratorium owns drill stock — The federal judge who overturned Barack Obama's offshore drilling moratorium appears to own stock in numerous companies involved in the offshore oil industry—including Transocean, which leased the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig to BP prior to its April 20 explosion in the Gulf of Mexico—according to 2008 financial disclosure reports
1846 Diggs in World & Business - Submitted Jun 22, 2010 01:07 pm

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